If you need new tyres to go with your newly refurbished and repaired alloy wheels, we can supply and fit all makes and sizes at a competitive price.
We are also happy to fit new tyres supplied by you, and you can bring your new tyres with you when you bring your wheels in for refurbishment. It is worth bearing in mind that your refurbished wheels could be damaged by a careless tyre fitter in future, so it may be prudent to have us fit new tyres when we refurbish your wheels.
We remove the tyres from your wheels to repair and refurbish them, and if the tread on those tyres is illegal we will not refit them onto your wheels. Instead we will contact you to let you know.
By law, the tread of your tyres must be 1.6mm. The tread depth must be at least 1.6mm in a continuous band in the centre three-quarters of the tread, around the entire circumference of the tyre.
Many people prefer to have winter tyres fitted during the colder months, or to have a second set of wheels fitted with winter tyres. We can source and refurbish wheels, and fit winter tyres for you. Then you simply swap your wheels over when the colder weather arrives.
It is not wise to drive on your winter tyres all year round; the rubber of winter tyres is more flexible than all season or summer tyres – so they are liable to wear more quickly, and to be less crisp and responsive. Winter tyres are best suited to the cold weather, so it is better to switch back to all season tyres once the weather is warmer.